Break for Burning Man

I will be leaving for Burning Man in two weeks, and the preparation is intense. I’m trying to get a couple of short photo shoots done in between packing, but I’m definitely too busy to do some of the more involved posts I have in the works.  I’ll do my best to give you what I can. And yes, the barbies are going to Burning Man, so there will be a PlasticLand at Burning Man post when I get back.

A couple of years ago I dressed up my Ann Coulter doll in a bear costume so that she could go to Burning Man. Here is Bad Ann headed for Burning Man.

If Bad Ann actually went to Burning Man, she could meet people who would help her pull that giant stick out of her butt.

2 responses to “Break for Burning Man

  1. No one punched Coulter in the Adam’s apple? Have a good time at the event.

  2. Cloddia Jane Darrow

    Yes, don’t forget Coultergeist’s adams’ apple! Have a safe trip there and back home!

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